ФОРУМИ: Відгуки на статті: Відгук на 'Presencing: Learning From the Future As It Emerges' (читати)

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 Відгук на 'Presencing: Learning From the Future As It Emerges' (читати)
Автор: Dr Eddy Kloprogge
Дата:   2005-06-02 21:03:29

I like the word presencing.

How compares this way of thinking with:
1.The three legacies of living:
Mental intelligence
Emotional intelligence
Spiritual intelligence
2.Higher power, life force or Physis.
3.The urge for any organism (organisation) to create homeostasis in some sort or form.

Or: are we trying to take things apart and analyse them so we can use them to our benefit Or are we just forming obstacles by trying to create a language that it nont "languageable" , in this case Transpersonal?

Where I come from:

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Dr Eddy Kloprogge 2005-06-02 21:03:29 

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