ФОРУМИ: Відгуки на статті: Відгук на статтю 'Анализ затрат на качество' (читати статтю)

 Відгук на статтю 'Анализ затрат на качество' (читати статтю)
Автор: Penelope
Дата:   2003-05-22 11:10:37

I agree that the literary source should be included in responsible journalism. At the same time I believe that we should look beyond the minutia of technicalities (spelling, etc.) and try to see the big picture in the context of quality. That is, quality of life and the ability of extension - being able to synthesize information at a different level. After years of being taught to shape thinking "into a box" any attempt to break out of a mold should be applauded.

 Re: Відгук на статтю 'Анализ затрат на качество' (читати статтю)
Автор: Sergiy
Дата:   2003-05-23 13:27:08

Dear Penelope,

What do you mean when saying about "attempt to break out of a mold"? Do you really consider that usual and trivial attempt to analyze structure of costs by activities is break out of a mould?

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