ФОРУМИ: Відгуки на статті: Відгук на статтю 'University Visions in Action' (читати статтю)

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 Відгук на статтю 'University Visions in Action' (читати статтю)
Автор: Jon Paul
Дата:   2003-06-24 10:59:05

I would like to express the appreciation of the entire MIT OpenCourseWare organization to Ms. Matiash for her perceptive and excellent article, "University Visions in Action." Her article cuts to the heart of the mission of MIT OCW: to foster the shared intellectual commons that can transform education around the globe. We believe that when it is completed - offering free and open access to the course materials from virtually all of MIT's 2,000 courses - MIT OCW will serve as a worldwide educational resource; it will serve as a model for university dissemination of knowledge in the Internet age; and it will contribute to improving the quality and standard of education at all levels - both in the United States and worldwide. These goals of MIT OCW are all outlined in this remarkable article on the Management.com.ua Web site, for which we have created a link on the MIT OCW site at http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/AboutOCW/medicoverage.htm.
Congratulations to Ms. Matiash and the people of Management.com.ua. Anyone seeking further information about MIT OCW is welcome to contact me at jpotts@mit.edu.

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 Відгук на статтю 'University Visions in Action' (читати статтю)  нове
Jon Paul 2003-06-24 10:59:05 

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