ФОРУМИ: Відгуки на статті: Відгук на статтю 'Що таке етика бізнесу' (читати статтю)
Автор: Елена П
Дата: 2002-11-13 18:26:32
Безусловно, бизнес с "этическим" лицом - это, к чему необхобимо стремиться, но это понятие действительно можно назвать оксюмороном, даже если не касаться вопросов накопления первичного капитала, а рассмотреть, например,позиционирование товара, его рекламу. Все мы прекрасно понимаем, что главное, не настоящие свойсва товара, а именно те, которые видит в нем потребитель (или хочет видеть), какая уж тут "этика", безусловно, четкую грань между понятиями "ложь" и "преуменьшение" (или преувеличение) провести сложно, но согласитесь, что правдивая реклама - также понятие - оксюморон. Таким образом, на мой взгляд понятие "этический бизнес" в том слысле который в него вкладывают немозможно в принципе.
Автор: Ludmila Matiash
Дата: 2002-11-29 12:24:20
A recent question in the internet forum addressed the meaning of "business ethics."
May I suggest the following internet sources for clarification about the "meanings" of "business ethics." Most materials on "business ethics" are in English language, but these are fairly easy to read and user friendly.
These materials represent 3 different semantic perspectives: philosophical discussions, educational approaches, and applied examples for the organizational setting. There are numerous business cases as well. Perhaps these resources will be helpful in articulating our own principles and values in the work place.
I personally like the definition offered recently by Professor Lynn S. Paine of Harvard Business School, "People sometimes forget that business ethics at its core is about excellence and high attainment rather than misdeeds and malfeasance." See interview with Professor Paine, "Where Morals and Profits Meet: The Corporate Value Shift," at the HBS Working Knowledge website (www.hbswk.hbs.edu), or go directly to the interview at http://hbswk.hbs.edu/pubitem.jhtml?id=3179&sid=0&pid=0&t=leadership.
1. www.ocw.mit.edu This is the excellent Open Course Ware site at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See the "Linguistics and Philosophy" link, "24.00 Problems of Philosophy." The course materials and related resources are comprehensive. The links include glossaries and discussion forums of various interest. This is the "high end" of the semantic spectrum on ethics issues.
2. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/dunnweb This site is user friendly, the "educational" application of business ethics. Business Professor Craig Dunn of San Diego State University has made available his course materials and internet links. See especially his EMBA course for themes and principles of "Social Responsibility: Legal and Ethical Responsibility of Business." Also his Management 722 "Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Institutions" has a link to "The Complete Guide to Ethics Management."
3. www.managementhelp.org/ethics/ethxgde.htm "Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers." Written by a consultant for commercial training purposes. Has promotional overtones but easy to use. You need to read between the lines.