ВАКАНСІЇ: Dispatcher, Fleet Manager
(вакансія від 08.06.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 70000 грн., 1.5% from the Gross
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 2 років

- The ideal candidate must be excellent at communication and able to work well under pressure.
- Excellent planning skills, a good sense of judgment, and the ability to prioritize effectively are also essential.
- Dry Van dispatch experience required!

Work conditions: Work on USA Market.
- Dispatch and monitor the movements of customer’s freight. Multiple daily communications.
- Using freight booking platforms as DAT, Truckstop.
- Track shipments from inception through completion. Duties customarily involve all aspects of pickups and deliveries, including creating loads and entering new customers into the system.
- Resolve issues that may affect the scheduled times for pickup or delivery. These issues normally include mechanical problems with trucks, delays due to traffic or weather challenges, or changes requested by the customer regarding times or locations.
- Receive reports about vehicle or freight damage, accident and emergency situations and transfer to Safety for proper resolution.
- Maintain a professional relationship with drivers and customers to ensure continuous patronage.
- Plan pickup and delivery of orders in such a way as to minimize cost with the fewest empty miles available

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