ВАКАНСІЇ: Quality control manager (Spanish)
(вакансія від 14.06.2024)
Регіон: Дистанційно
Зарплата: 28000 грн.
Вид зайнятості: повна зайнятість
Досвід роботи: від 1 року

PIN-UP.CRM is a group of companies that build a high-quality level of service and marketing for all customers of the ecosystem. PIN-UP.CRM combines call centers, retention marketing, and SMM and has operated successfully since 2018. Our offices are located in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Peru and India.
PIN-UP.CRM is developing dynamically and invites new team members to join the team.
We are currently looking for a Quality control manager with knowledge of Spanish.
Our candidate:
- Is fluent in correspondence in Spanish/Russian;
- Has an experience in customer support;
- Communicative, active, result-oriented;
- Can quickly search for information;
- Is ready to learn and absorb new information;
- Has the equipment for remote work (PC/laptop, Windows 10/11).

- Check the correctness of operators (chats) in Turkish according to internal regulations and Summarize what was good and what needs to be worked on;
- Provide feedback on verified dialogues in Spanish;
- Maintain reporting documentation;
- Analyze the feedback received from TLs and constantly work on improving their qualitative and quantitative performance.

Working with us, you will get the following:
- A job that you will be proud of;
- An opportunity for professional and career development within the entire ecosystem of PIN-UP Global;
- Convenient work schedule;
- Constant support and assistance at all stages of work;
- Business games and training for skills development and professional growth;
- Holiday and sick leave at the expense of the ecosystem.

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